LC Design & Build now has a large team of guys working for us full time. With any group and team there can be differences of opinion; there can be mistakes made, as we are all human, and it is ensuring that the team gel, trust each other and work well together that has given us the quality workmanship that we are very proud of as a company.
One of the things that LC Design & Build has learnt over the years is that mistakes cannot and should not be hidden. Normally these are hidden out of fear of reprisal, fear of being bullied, fear of having the mickey taken out of them and often a fear that the client will get very upset and we always want out clients to be happy.
What we do is to try and celebrate our mistakes, learn from our mistakes and become better people as a result of the mistakes being investigated and I would refer all of my readers to the blog on black box thinking by Matthew Syed, who has actually got it down pat – if you want to learn, you have to fail. If you hide your failures, you simply will not learn from them and that is the ethos behind all of the members of my team.